Ufulu Wanga

  1. As all persons have equal status before the law, the only justifiable limitations to lawful rights are those necessary to ensure
  2. To obtain gender equality for women with men through
  3. To encourage and promote conditions conducive to the full development of healthy
  4. one by toof us
  5. try me
  6. try me
  7. try me
  8. The Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations law, among other issues addresses the issues of child marriages in Malawi, as it raises the age of marriage to 18 years old
  9. Elimination and Prevention of all forms of Violence against Women and Girls is placed high on Malawi's development agenda. The Government of Malawi reaffirmS
  10. Violence against people with albinism and discrimination against this group is a violation of their human rights.
  11. The unequal status of women in Malawi is shaped by the inter-locking factors of general poverty, discriminatory treatment in the family and public life.
  12. While progress has been made, many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people still worry that revealing their sexuality at work will have negative consequences.